Monday, August 22, 2016

4 New VCAP Exams released!

ESXi Build numbers and their patch level

Today a question was raised which patch will change the build number of ESXi. Probably it is a compliance requirement to have a particular build across the Data centers. When you update certain major patch can alter and raise the build number this KB article can help in tracking what are those patches which can affect the build number.

Below is an excerpt of the patch list.

Monday, August 8, 2016

vCloud Suite and vRealize Suite demystified!

If I simply put,

vSphere Enterprise Plus + vRealize Suite = vCloud Suite

Get the drift?

vCloud is a bundle of vSphere and vRealize Suite. 

Customers have the option of purchasing vRealize Suite separately. But both together come in great discounts. vRealize Suite has 3 Editions. These editions determine the edition of vCloud Suite. It's noticed that Site Recovery Manager is excluded from these offerings of vCloud and vRealize Suites.

vRealize Suite Editions

vCloud Suite Editions

Each component upgrades during each editions