Tuesday, February 25, 2014

vCenter Server 5.5 Host OS W2K3 and W2K8 SP1 support has been removed

Was vetting through the vSphere 5.5 Upgrade Guide and found this excerpt :

vCenter Server 5.5 removes support for Windows Server 2003 as a host operating system. See the VMware Compatibility Guide at http://www.vmware.com/resources/compatibility/search.php and “Migrate vCenter Server and Components from a Windows Server 2003 Host,” on page 110.
vCenter Server 5.5 removes support for Windows Server 2008 SP1 as a host operating system. Upgrade Windows Server 2008 SP1 hosts to SP2 before upgrading vCenter Server to version 5.5. See the VMware Compatibility Guide at http://www.vmware.com/resources/compatibility/search.php and the Microsoft
Software Lifecycle Policy at http://support.microsoft.com/lifecycle/#ServicePackSupport.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Virtual Machine recovery service offloaded to 3rd party recovery software vendors

Last week my self and 3 member team was involved in the task of recovering a vm deleted by mistake.

I happened to raise a ticket with VMware and I was informed that I had to call a 3rd pary software vendor.

I was also directed to this link by GSS team.
